Thursday, August 17, 2006

When I see this guy on TV and hear the things he says I have to ask "What in the hell is this idiot smoking?"Does he think before he opens his mouth? Does he think at all? In my lifetime I've seen some people running this country that I have felt were not in our best interest but never have I seen someone as dangerous to the American way of life as George W Bush.He has stolen our freedom and made a mockery of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.He has placed himself and his administration above the law.He has taken billions of dollars from the hard working people of this country and given them to his wealthy good ol boy cronies that in fact may be the real people running this country. He has alienated our allies world wide with his arrogance. He is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in the Mid East not to mention over 2600 American soldiers and there is no end in sight for that fiasco.He has, when it suits his purpose,lied to the American People to gain support for his own political agenda.Has anything he's done made the world a safer place to live? The time has come to be afraid,very afraid of the idiot in the big white house.


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